Spectaculaire Oorakelegheid

Independent Theater

Spectaculaire Oorakeligheid is a wild street theatre group based in Amsterdam that surprises the city once in a while with their unexpected, discrete appearances full of social critique and humour.

VisualSusana has had the pleasure of collaborating with them, in order to spread and show their messages since the collective was created.

Shop till You Drop was a performance playing with the visibility line, bringing the shopping image to an exaggerated extreme. A group of three girls carrying a crazy quantity of shopping bags, followed by an on the spot sales dude, and a mysterious BagMan giving a pro-shopping speech with a megaphone, walked down the main shopping street of Amsterdam, Kalverstraat. The artistic compensation came quickly as the audience took them seriously!

Visit Spectaculaire Oorakeligheid website

Take a look to their Vimeo, Other videos like Alley Cats, or Win or Die, are also recommended.

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