Photography Social content


Una mirada necessària cap a la societat projectada d’igualtat i diversitat de gènere a la que caminem, es real però? In-Sanctus? Vol dir prou a les violències de gènere a través de la fotografia. És un homenatge en vida cap a elles, una representació a totes les màrtirs del diferents tipus d’abús social que pateixen les dones, en tota la seva amplia gama de generes femenins. In-Sanctus? és un projecte de fotografia digital de color…

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Independent Photography

Blood my Mind

Simply Blood my Mind! This unique moment when the pain leaks down your pants and you just keep on going as if nothing has happened, with your best neutral expression shining on your face. Yes women, you are heroïnes, and it is time to tell it loud: yes we bleed, and there is no shame in it! …or not anymore. The reality once more falls into foolishness. We can’t pretend it doesn’t exist, and it…

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Independent Theater

Spectaculaire Oorakelegheid

Spectaculaire Oorakeligheid is a wild street theatre group based in Amsterdam that surprises the city once in a while with their unexpected, discrete appearances full of social critique and humour. VisualSusana has had the pleasure of collaborating with them, in order to spread and show their messages since the collective was created. Shop till You Drop was a performance playing with the visibility line, bringing the shopping image to an exaggerated extreme. A group of…

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Conditional is Just Subjunctive

Release from the first short movie written and directed by VisualSusana in 2013, Conditional is just Subjunctive. Defined as auteur cinema, the director wants to capture the magic of that unique moment in life when a chance passes by your hands, and you decide either take it or not, and those who choose to stay in the repentance. Starring Vincent Pineau and Andrea Gabriele Hackl, the shot took place in Ruigoord, near Amsterdam, thanks to…

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Photography Streaming event

HAY TOR-Tor-TORTILLA streaming event Amsterdam-Buenos Aires

Hay Tor- tor- Tortilla  (How to cook society and make it submissive) is a colour photography and text exhibition that represents a parody from the society cupola and their implicit strategies to manipulate people. The images follow the shape of a cooking recipe, done in toilets. What could be cocked in a toilet… ? This piece is a work from Ddpendientes, Vanessa Alami as photographer and VisualSusana art director and writer, with the special collaboration…

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Independent Music Photography Streaming event


Born in the heart of the emblematic city of Barcelona, the artistic duo compromised of Vanessa Alami and VisualSusana decided to decorate the public and alternative spaces with their exhibitions and cultural events. Their activity started out based mainly in the creation of pieces that combined photography and poetry, as well as the creation of an exclusive reality for the taking of a shot. Ddpendientes debut with Kiss me Corasón (Kiss Me my Heart), which…

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