Photography Social content


Una mirada necessària cap a la societat projectada d’igualtat i diversitat de gènere a la que caminem, es real però? In-Sanctus? Vol dir prou a les violències de gènere a través de la fotografia. És un homenatge en vida cap a elles, una representació a totes les màrtirs del diferents tipus d’abús social que pateixen les dones, en tota la seva amplia gama de generes femenins. In-Sanctus? és un projecte de fotografia digital de color…

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Independent Photography

Mr. Broken Flowers

Mr. Broken Flowers is the second portrait of the blue royal family Broken Flowers, photography project directed by Vanessa Alami and the art direction of VisualSusana. This member of the bizarre family is having a birthday celebration alone in his kitchen inside his artificial and perfectly happy coloured world. His excess of glitter and brightness insinuates an inner necessity of hiding the darkness in which his life is based. However, the priority lays on having…

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Independent Photography

Broken Flowers

Pop decadence, the expression of a perfect and extraordinary version of you when the inside is close to welcoming the loneliness and personal self-destruction. Instead of acceptance a great selfie will be exposed on media. The weight of it is taking over society as the goal of showing not what is real, but how you would like it to happen. A beautiful world with beautiful characters but with shades of meaning. A contrast between beauty…

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Photography Streaming event

HAY TOR-Tor-TORTILLA streaming event Amsterdam-Buenos Aires

Hay Tor- tor- Tortilla  (How to cook society and make it submissive) is a colour photography and text exhibition that represents a parody from the society cupola and their implicit strategies to manipulate people. The images follow the shape of a cooking recipe, done in toilets. What could be cocked in a toilet… ? This piece is a work from Ddpendientes, Vanessa Alami as photographer and VisualSusana art director and writer, with the special collaboration…

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