Wrapped is a black and white photography series produced in the winter of 2016 in Barcelona, where the character pronounces the stress of being oppressed by a material that, despite its inoffensive appearance, becomes a strong conditioning force. The transparency of the material leads to understanding how subliminal shapes are taking over the new format of oppression in the different levels of nowadays society.
Wrapped transmits the pain and the impotence that one can experience when a transparent and unknown layer of pressure surrounds our bodies. The ignorance of the naturalness of this pressure makes it frequently become aggravating. This struggle of finding the problem and its naturalness is what represents the transparency of the wrapping analogue. It is unseen, it is transparent, it is tight and it leaves me with no breath.
Ddpendientes with Vanessa Alami on the camera and VisualSusana on the art, counted once more with the special collaboration of Punto´s as model, and Nacho Gracia on set.
At the same chance, other series were created. It is worth mentioning the one created in honour of Pedro Almodóvar. This popular figure of the Spanish film-industry represents a big inspiration for the artists, and they dedicated this series to their professional respect and artistic admiration towards his work.